Dia Mirza with boyfriend Sahil Sangha and best friend Zayed Khan

Dia Mirza with boyfriend Sahil Sangha and best friend Zayed Khan
They launched together a new production house: ‘Born Free’.

11:21 PM | Posted in , , , , , , | Read More »

Hrithik, Preity and Shah Rukh Spotted in Goa Party

Hrithik, Preity and Shah Rukh Spotted in Goa. Also spotted with them are Gauri Khan and Suzanne Roshan. I think these pictures were taken during Hrithik & Suzanne's 10th wedding anniversary celebration. That first picture of Shah Rukh & Gauri is really sweet.

11:18 PM | Posted in , , , , , , , , , | Read More »

I'm not dumb: Katrina Kaif

This interview was done for Times Of India
It's quite long, may takes you 10 minutes but I find it quite interesting and show that Katrina is a simple girl, who works hard to sustain herself.

And finally she talked little bit about her past and family!
--->Interviewer: You keep getting these 'hottest', 'sexiest' awards year after year ' and now do hot item numbers too ' while asserting that you're the frumpiest among your sisters. Explain the contradiction.
--->Katrina: On screen, obviously, I do work to look glamorous, that is my job and looking that way is my presentation for my job. But I don't go to bed like that.
Off screen and in my everyday life, however, I don't want to walk around like that. Whoever wants to be my friend or would like to come near me for any reason, I want them to see me. I don't want them to see a person like that. That's not me.
I see some women walking in for a dinner with coordinated watches, handbags, shoes, and they're stunning ' and I'm like, how do they DO that? Because if I have to go out like this with my friends or sisters, my outfit would be probably all of five thousand rupees. I'm not one of those naturally stylish people. I'm basic, and I don't honestly believe that all that adds to your attraction. Yes, you may turn more heads when you walk in through the door, but in the long run, it is what you inherently are that is gonna speak for itself.
And the other reason why it will never be part of me is because while growing up, I never felt attractive at all. I never got any attention in school. I don't know why. When I tell that to people here, they find it so unbelievable, but I just didn't. I came here when I was 18, so before that, 17, 16, 15, the normal years when girls in college are having fun, not that I was trying to be a goody-goody girl, boys were just not interested in me. I was not that 'popular, beautiful girl' in school. So those basic feelings are too deep rooted in me. Now, of course, I will definitely try to accept a compliment and be happy, and be very, very grateful that people would think that way. But it's not my natural, inbuilt impression of myself.
Attraction is something which anyways happens on a very different level. The initial impression ' you see a beautiful woman wearing high heels and a beautiful dress and looking stunning ' that initial attraction, it is not even worth spending too much time talking about. An attraction that would be worth anything, that would mean anything, would not happen like that. That person can be wearing chappals and track pants and a t-shirt and you will make the connection if you have to.
--->Interviewer: For such a recognizable face, there's a lot of stuff about you which is not known.
--->Katrina: I think everything about me is already known... or it must be? Sometimes, you presume also that a lot of stuff is known, while it is not... There's a lot written about us, but I sometimes think 90% of what is written is very superficial. I like to think that sometimes that other side of us, people would like to know of that too, that they are not only interested in hearing the more sensational side of journalism. There's more to most of us than that side which is often portrayed, you know. We don't actually go from one set to another randomly having connections and affairs. Everything's not sensational. There is also a very normal side to us, a basic working to securing your future approach.
I imagine that a simple person, say, working in a restaurant, switches on the television at night and watches one of those glamour shows ' what he sees from those, his opinion of me ' I couldn't even dream of. Or the person they must cut me out to be in their mind ' I sometimes wonder if that resembles anything that I actually am.
--->Interviewer: We've never seen a family photograph of yours?
--->Katrina: None of my family are involved in the glamour industry in any way at all, except for my younger sister who's studying acting. She's trying to find her way, is involved in off Broadway plays, theatre. She's happy, she's in New York, and when she comes here, I don't mind her being photographed with me. But my other sisters ' they're quite reluctant, they don't like it, and if someone's standing with me and a mediaperson or a fan comes and says, come, come, let's have a picture, they don't really like it. I always discourage that and request people, please don't ask her to pose along with me, she's not an actress, it's not her obligation.
--->Interviewer: Have you ever been to your father's hometown, it's believed to be in Kashmir?
--->Katrina: No. I have no idea where it is. My mother and my father ' when they split, we were very young. And for reasons my mom would like to keep private, they went their separate ways and the contact after that was very, very bare minimal. So my dad, unfortunately, and not out of choice, has had no influence on our upbringing, on our religious or social or moral bearings. Whatever it has been ' it's just been my mother.
--->Interviewer: You speak about how you think this way or that way because of your growing up ' but don't speak much about what your growing up was like.
--->Katrina: It's because my growing up is too complex! It'd take 10 articles and probably a book to discuss that. Most people may find that funny, some may find it hard to believe, some may find it boring. It's just that our family has one of the most interesting lives, due to the one simple fact that my mother, at a very young age, decided that she wanted to dedicate her life to social causes, to NGOs. And the organizations she worked with throughout her life work in countries that are currently in what you would call ' state of crisis is a bit much, but, yes, a state of dire need. So our transitions in growing up were ' from Hong Kong where I was born, to China, then to Japan, and from Japan by boat to France. That's one of the few clear memories I have as a child because on that boat ride, everyone was sick ' except me. And it's a long, long boat ride from Japan to France!
--->Interviewer: How old were you?
--->Katrina: About 8. After France, Switzerland – and I'm cutting out many East European countries where we were for only a few months each – then Poland, in Krakow. Since I've seen so many huge, huge drastic things, my mind has become a little
bit like, there are sections, and I rarely tap into those sections because there is too much information to comprehend.
I think it was sometime around the Berlin Wall fell, I remember the sense of extreme depression and misery over the whole city – and the image of everyone waiting in line for bread, that was the situation at that time, that image has stayed in my head for ever.
After that we went to Belgium, then to Hawaii, which was a short time, and then came to London, and then we were there for about three years. But because my mother is originally from Bath, which is in the UK, people always have this thing that I grew up in London. Which is funny, because I have only spent all of three years there.
--->Interviewer: Which is less than what you have spent in Mumbai after you came here from London .
--->Katrina: Much less! It's funny, confusing also. Which is why I don't spend much time remembering or recalling or reminiscing, even generally now, even the last few years. I think I have developed this sort of pattern that I need to let go of things very quickly in my mind in terms of incidents and information ' because there is too much of information and too many incidents in my head, because of the lifestyle we had while growing up. Uprooting and re-rooting oneself... it's very important to not start sifting things in your mind, not to reminisce too much, it can get too complex in your head otherwise. Life is a journey... for some it is mundane, for some its ordinary, for some its bizarre, and for some its completely unpredictable. I think mine has been completely unpredictable so far.
--->Interviewer: Right, at 8, in Poland, you would have hardly dreamt that at 18 you would be shooting for a movie in Mumbai.
--->Katrina: No way. See, this is what I mean. If I am now going to sit and think about this thought, too many things will come flooding into my head, and you can be overwhelmed by that. So I try not to analyse it too much. When people hear me talk, a lot of times my comments are along a certain line ' and I can hear the way I sound, I'm not dumb ' I am aware that people must be thinking that she's trying to sound nice by saying "I'm so grateful" but the fact of the matter is that it is a very basic gratitude. On a generic level, on a very basic level, I am very very grateful for all that I have achieved.
From where I come, not growing up in any kind of luxurious life, or a life with much security, I really wanted to have that kind of security. I wanted to have security for myself, for our whole family, and these were the things I wanted to get, and I have. Life has patterns, I've noticed. There will be phases of extreme happiness, there will be months of extreme work and they'll just go by without you even realizing as you worked 12 hours every day, and there will be phases when your mind will be just be coping.
--->Interviewer: What state is it right now?
--->Katrina: Now I'm in a kind of a funny, mixed phase. I've come to terms with a few things. And those things that I've come to terms with are that I don't have the answers right now to a lot of things in my life. I'm not entirely clear. I don't see clearly my direction or my future ' but I have to accept that. It has been very hard for me to accept this.
For most of this year I've been struggling and asking myself, how can I be this person who doesn't have the answers, doesn't have this exact clarity in her head. I've always been this black and white and I've believed in that. So how could I be this person who doesn't have the answers? This thing I could not handle. Even now it is hard for me to accept ' but now I am a little bit at peace with the thought that I don't have all the answers right now. It's a phase. I have that much trust in God. I do believe that there is the hand that is guiding me and protecting me, for lack of a better word. So I believe that this is a phase, I need to get through it, and I will, and everything will then be clear.
At the same time I am hugely appreciative, I am able to see how the last 5 years in this industry have been. In the midst of all my turmoil and the battling with myself and the time and the stress, you don't need go dancing on table tops each night, but you should appreciate things, find a little time to sit back and say, even if its not all there tomorrow, I did see something pretty amazing.
--->Interviewer: People don't give allowance for your age when you're a star? Anyone else in your place would be allowed to have a fair share of doubts at 26, to be perhaps confused right now... there's also the impression that star tie-ups and break-ups are part of publicity campaigns, aren't they?
--->Katrina: I'm not in a state of confusion. I'm in a state of...
--->Interviewer: ...transition?
--->Katrina: No, not even that. I am in a state of nothing. There is nothing. When people keep pressing for answers and keep saying this thing or that thing ' this happened on the set, you're fighting with this person or you're not fighting with this person. It's actually not true. I'm just in a place where it's... quiet. There isn't anything at all in that place, that people seem to want there to be.
--->Interviewer: You have been talking about 'maybe a career', 'maybe marriage', 'as it comes'... all this is part of coming to peace with things now?
--->Katrina: I would say it's getting there, I can't say its all there, but I'm trying... its part of my trajectory. I do want to have children, I do want to get married, I think most women do. But my life is so unpredictable that I have to believe that what has to happen will happen. However wrong I may think I have gone or I am going ' however daunting the thought of this unknown before me is, whatever has to happen, it will happen. I have seen it happen enough times. You can't expect otherwise.
There's no other approach you can take, else you drive yourself insane worrying about things that are not actually in your control. And if you talk about marriage, you're talking about a meeting of two minds. And you can never control another person's mind, that's almost an impossibility, so that makes it not entirely in my control. So I'd rather leave it to my destiny and in God's hands.
What's really meant for me ' that'll happen. At least that's the easy way to think about it (laughs), or we'd all be just wallowing in the mud of self pity.
--->Interviewer: A lot of actresses give those "I don't have time for a personal life, I am only focusing on work for the next few years" type of quotes over and over again. How real is that?
--->Katrina: I think 80% of the people who are saying that, for them it's true. And I'll tell you how. It happens without you noticing. You notice it's happened after it's already happened. You wake up one morning and you realize ' when was the last time you went out with a group of friends? Friends ' not the friends in terms of the people you are currently working with. Not the group of the director, co-star, writer, assistant directors, of the film you're currently working in, or just worked on. Not that group. But a group of friends who you just chill with, nothing to do with work. Or when have you last taken out the time for your family, for the people in your life?
You sit down with a calendar and this is how it goes ' this date has to be given to this brand, that date has to be given to that brand, these 20 days have to be given to this film. And then there are these three shows, and these shows represent an enormous amount of money, and as we don't do films that we don't believe in for the sake of money, we turn them down, but you also need to secure yourself financially, so these shows are important. And so you have this half an hour meeting with your manager, and you have no days off. And it's as simple as that! That month, in that half an hour meeting, is gone.
There will be enough people saying that you can balance your personal life while doing all this, and I suppose you can, but it takes a very strong connection between two people and a very strong determination to make the effort and make it work. Otherwise what happens is that you just let it go...The people who manage to last despite all this are those who either are already married or get married, which is why it's all good, or are in a live-in relationship, or are working damn hard at it.
It's an old, boring statement, but it's not a 9-to-5 profession, not if you're passionate about it. And, for a girl, I still believe that, unfortunately, while there are people like Kajol and Aishwarya who even after marriage have amazing careers, those are people who are exceptions to the more standard rule. So, if the industry keeps evolving, and the lifespan of an actresses' career expands a little, that would be great for us, because that would allow us to relax a little more! Till then...
--->Interviewer: Is it all work and drudgery, then?
--->Katrina: I'll tell you something. It took me a few years in the industry to start enjoying my work. See, I'd thought I'd achieved everything I could in modeling. Then I turned to films, as challenge. Not for any other reason. I had no knowledge, no mission, no burning ambition that I have to become this successful actress. It was not even a sight that I saw. Not that I could not see myself succeeding, but something like this ' where I am today ' was just not on my horizon. It was just a challenge for me. I was like ' I don't know anything about filmmaking, I don't know where the camera is, nothing. I had to learn everything step by step. How to handle the camera, how to angle your body, the lighting ' and the first and foremost thing, to get comfortable with the language, that itself took me a few years. Now there's nothing I don't understand, maybe a few Urdu words here and there, but that's about it...
New York was the first film I felt free, felt that I could also contribute, felt a little more confident, you know. I kind of had a feel for things now, I was comfortable. So, for me, things are different now... it's all been continuous after then. It's now that I've started to enjoy my work, to love the art of what I'm doing, rather than just being ' at 7 o' clock, I've to be at the sets with my make up and a nice costume, you know?
--->Interviewer: Isn't there a tendency to attribute all your professional success to hyphenated situations? Katrina's co-star is fab and the chemistry they share is amazing; Katrina's director is a whiz and he / she has pulled off a cracker; Katrina's got this really big movie but that's because her someone special lobbied; Katrina's looking so good in that item number, imagine the hard work her dance director would have done...
--->Katrina: (laughs) Right...
--->Interviewer: But that doesn't happen with everyone. For most stars, at least once in a while, people stand up and say, this actor's really delivered, she's the star of the moment...
--->Katrina: Hmm... Yea In Katrina's case, she never delivers ' the situation...Yeah, the situation delivers (laughs)
--->Interviewer: ...yes, in each case, isn't it that you always have a 49% share of credit in anything going well, never a 51? Is the industry still coming to terms with you?
--->Katrina: See, that's a very complicated thought... It's a thought which has too many approaches to it. The first one is that however, as a woman in this industry, you look at your status or your situation, there will always be criticism, and there will always be situations and facets where you may fear that you're given a little less than you should, like you said, undersold perhaps.
The way I see it is that there must be so many people who are genuinely beautiful, genuinely fantastic dancers, fluent in Hindi, also with acting training, who must also be looking at me from time to time and asking ' how has she got these positions and these chances and we have not? Those people must be feeling very undercut.
So, when I see the situation from that way, I see that the point you are making ' which is a valid point ' I still, even though I know the language, I still have an accent when I dub the films...In Raajneeti there's a faint accent, I've worked hard, but it's still there. Even with these things, the industry has ' even if, as you say, reluctantly ' has accepted me, I work with the biggest directors, the biggest people.
But there are moments when I sometimes feel that, when I see if some people are doing good work, and are being celebrated for their wonderful performances, even if the films have not done so well ' I find myself asking my friends and colleagues that I hope I am given that same kind of...
--->Interviewer: ... leeway if your films don't do well?
--->Katrina: Yeah, leeway, if, God forbid, there comes a time when my films don't fare so well at the box office, I hope that I'm also given that sort of treatment, that hits and flops happen, that you carry on, move on, it's ok. It's the only question that comes up in my mind. And to be honest, I've mostly worked with hugely commercially proven-worth directors, where have I really gone beyond that apart from Kabir Khan who was a second-time director? So I guess it's fair, I cannot take the sole credit for the success of any of my films, and I'm ok with that.
--->Interviewer: Not questioning any of this. Still, my point, in one line: Dil se appreciation for Katrina Kaif, standalone, is difficult to extract, from either the media or the industry. True or false?
--->Katrina: True.

11:16 PM | Posted in , , , , , , , | Read More »

Shahrukh Khan to act in Chetan Bhagat's Two States based film

When Sajid Nadiadwala took over the rights of the film ' Two States' based on a novel by Chetan Bhagat of the same name, he was not sure whether he wanted Siddharth Anand to direct the film with Ranbir Kapoor - his ' Anjaana Anjaani' star or whether he wanted the superstar Shah Rukh Khan play the said role.

But in what transpires finally to be a tale of Three Khans for Bhagat, the film is now being made by Vishal Bhardwaj and will star Shah Rukh Khan in the lead role. Aamir Khan played the role in the film ' 3 Idiots' which was based on Bhagat's book called ' Five Point Someone'. And after a controversy that raged over the book, the credits and the rights, one wasn't sure whether anyone in Bollywood would still be interested to work in a film which is based on a book by Bhagat. Shah Rukh Khan had even rejected the role in ' 3 Idiots' after a difference of opinion with producer Vidhu Vinod Chopra and director Raj Kumar Hirani.

Salman Khan has already played a short but lead role in the film ' Hello' which was based on Bhagat's earlier book ' One Night at a Call Centre'. Later when Aamir did ' 3 Idiots', it seemed like he was following on Salman's footsteps.

And now SRK indeed is following on Aamir Khan's footsteps by agreeing to work in the film. " Vishal and I have been speaking to each other for over two years on the film. But then we are still to sign on the dotted line," confirms SRK. Clearly Shah Rukh will work in the film only if he is the co- producer of the movie.

SRK's Red Chillies will be coproducing the film along with Sajid Nadiadwala's company for the first time. This will be an interesting move to watch for friends and producers/ directors like Karan Johar who are trying to work out a film with both Aamir and SRK together.

Both these actors are working on being co- producers in films that they are working in these days. How will the proceeds of the Karan Johar film be shared is another question to ponder.

10:11 AM | Posted in , , , , , , , , | Read More »

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan at the Longines Launch in Delhi

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan at the Longines Launch in Delhi. Love that colour on her.
Credit for images: Daylife.com

11:51 PM | Posted in , , , , , | Read More »

Hrithik Roshan, Suzanne and Farah Khan @ Fardeen's 5th Wedding Anniversary Bash

11:45 PM | Posted in , , , , , , , | Read More »

Shahid Kapoor's first look in Mausam.

Sonam Kapoor is also in the movie opposite Shahid Kapoor.

11:43 PM | Posted in , , , , , , , , | Read More »

Kangna Ranaut with Preity Zinta

They were spotted together at burberry bash.

11:41 PM | Posted in , , , , , , | Read More »

Akshay Kumar & Katrina Kaif in Amritsar

11:40 PM | Posted in , , , , , , | Read More »

Bollywood Stars' New Year Resolutions 2011

2:50 AM | Posted in , , , , | Read More »

Bipasha Basu @ Singularity (Movie) Cast Party

2:08 AM | Posted in , , , , , , | Read More »

Katrina Kaif's Filmfare Anniversary 2010 Scans

2:05 AM | Posted in , , , , , , , | Read More »

Shahrukh Khan with Martin Scorcese, Leonardo DiCaprio, Paul Schrader, Karan Johar & Musthaq Sheikh in Berlin

Shahrukh Khan with Martin Scorcese, Leonardo DiCaprio, Paul Schrader, Karan Johar & Musthaq Sheikh in Berlin..!

2:02 AM | Posted in , , , , , | Read More »

Sonam, Dia & Madhuri as Meena Kumari

Though done differently living up to expectations such as Meena Kumari must be quite a task. All three actress have done it beautifully. Madhuri Dxit did it in Devdas, Dia Mirza for a photoshoot for Harpers Bazaar & Sonam Kapoor for Filmfare.
Madhuri also did a shot like Madhubal from mughal e azam in Devdas which was later done by sonam kapoor in filmfares photoshoot.

1:58 AM | Posted in , , , , , , , | Read More »

John Abraham & Genelia D'Souza on the sets of Vipul Shah's next

John & Genelia on the sets of Vipul Shah's next
They make a nice couple!

1:53 AM | Posted in , , , , , , , | Read More »

Dissecting Sonam's looks from Filmfare Anniversary issue

Credits: SonamKfanclub
Here are Sonam Kapoor's interpretations of the bollywood classic beauties. I must say Sonam has done a great job of bringing back that era to life. No wonder she is the best cover girl from Bollywood.
She is in Anamika Khanna for this shoot.
I have also attached the original classics that Sonam is trying to portray for comparison.
My favorite is her portrayal of Waheeda rehman.
 Original Mumtaz

1:46 AM | Posted in , , , , , | Read More »

Celebs' Filmfare Anniversary Scans

Celebs' Filmfare Anniversary Scans. Love Sonam's shot!

1:40 AM | Posted in , , , , , , , , , | Read More »

Yana Gupta offered 1 cr to go Clotheless

Model turned actress Yana Gupta's pantyless stunt seems to have worked in her favour if the latest news is to be believed. The grapevine is abuzz with the news that a UK based men's magazine is set to offer her Rs.1 crore to appear ***e on its cover.

Meanwhile, Rizwan Ahmed, a social activist from Lucknow, has filed a case against Yana Gupta, the photographer, who clicked her pantyless photos, and the organizer of the event, Sushila Nirali for obscenity under section 292/ 293 and 294 of the IPC in the Chief Judicial Magistrate, Lucknow. The Magistrate has summoned them to appear before it today, December 6.

Yana was earlier photographed sans panties at an international children's charity event held recently. She tried to avoid being photographed but could not cover her short black dress. The photographers managed to get what they wanted – Yana Gupta without underwear pics.

11:07 PM | Posted in , , , , , | Read More »

Ranbir's midnight ruckus at Deepika's house

The Ranbir Kapoor – Deepika Padukone love story does not seem to reach its end anytime soon in the future.

Leggy lass Deepika may have vented her anger sitting on Karan Johar's couch and subsequently changed relationships among many within the Bollywood fraternity, but Ranbir Kapoor is unfazed.

And if his attitude towards Deepika Padukone is anything to go by, the Kapoor lad is also in the mood of reconciliation!

Though this may sound unbelievable, Ranbir Kapoor was reportedly spotted in front of Deepika Padukone's building on several occasions following the popular 'Koffee With Karan' spat.

Reports in the media claim that Ranbir Kapoor was photographed in front of the Cozy Home Apartments building where Deepika Padukone puts up in Mumbai in the late hours of the night.

According to these reports, Ranbir Kapoor could be seen repeatedly calling up Deepika Padukone and urging the security guard of the building to allow him to enter his ex girlfriend's home.

However, the guard on duty could not do so because according to a rule of the Cozy Home Apartments, anybody is not allowed to enter without the permission from the owners!

So did Ranbir Kapoor move away a loser? Not at all, in true filmy style, the Kapoor boy stood adamant in front of Deepika Padukone's house constantly ringing her to receive access.

A source who was present in the area when the incident took place at around 12.45 am in the night has said in a statement to the media that he overheard Ranbir Kapoor pleading to Deepika Padukone to let him enter her home so that he may be able to explain his situation.

Well, we are not really sure what he had to explain considering that he has already spoilt his image by admitting that he really cheated on former girlfriend Deepika during his chat on 'Koffee With Karan'.

Last heard, Deepika Padukone did let him enter when he refused to stop creating a fuss but not after more than half an hour of public drama. Did they kiss and make up inside? Watch this space for more! 

10:58 PM | Posted in , , , , , | Read More »

Manoj Tiwari calls himself Anari

Manoj Tiwari calls himself AnariManoj Tiwari, who was evicted from the Bigg Boss house on last Friday went all mushy and emotional in the episode aired on Saturday, which was the 'Aakhri Salaam' episode or the final tribute to him.

The episode began with a blast from the host Salman Khan who performed on a Bollywood number with a bevy of beauties gyrating gracefully with him. Then as Manoj Tiwari was called on stage, he was cross checked by Salman Khan on his ways and behavioral patterns during his stay in the house.

Salman Khan even asked him if he was indulging in politics. Manoj Tiwari, on his part said that he was quite a clean hearted man and had no bad intentions, but he did agree that staying in the house a bit longer would have driven him crazy. Regarding the political motive, the Bhojpuri star was quick to point out that he never indulged in anything like that.

It was after Salman Khan asked Manoj Tiwari to give a mock trial (as is the pattern of the show) and asked him about the backstabbing act that was aired in the show then Manoj broke into the song 'Sab Kuch Seekha Humne, Na Seekhi Hoshiyari, Sach Hai Duniya Waalon Ke Hum Hai Anari'. Which literally translates to 'I've learnt everything in life except expertise, it's a fact that I'm an ignorant or a fool'.

The popular star, singer, performer was quite shocked with the way the inmates had behaved with him. He was also quite upset when he heard that he was back stabbed by the very people whom he had trusted to be his closest friends. This was more emphasized when he was shown that it was Seema Parihar who had nominated him and not Shweta Tiwari, as Manoj had kept on lamenting while he was still in the house.

According to latest reports Manoj Tiwari has sworn never to go back into the house even if he's offered loads of cash to fill his kitty! Once bitten twice shy?

10:32 PM | Posted in , , , , , | Read More »

SRK goes solo for Koffee With Karan

After inviting deadly combination of filmstars for his celebrity talk show "Koffee With Karan", filmmaker Karan Johar has decided to devote an entire episode to his good friend, superstar Shah Rukh Khan.

"...shooting with SRK tomorrow...him solo! An indepth 'Koffee...' chat about everything!!!" Karan posted on his Twitter page.

The two have worked together on all of Johar's directorial ventures, including "Kuch Kuch Hota Hai", "Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham", "Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna" and "My Name is Khan". It will be interesting to see what he drills Shah Rukh about.

Johar usually chats on the show with two celebrities. He has already had some snazzy question and answer rounds with guests like Imran Khan-Ranbir Kapoor, Sonam Kapoor-Deepika Padukone and Saif Ali Khan-Kareena Kapoor. He has also shot for the show with megastar Amitabh Bachchan and his daughter Shweta Nanda, apart from Shahid Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra.

10:30 PM | Posted in , , , , , , | Read More »

First Look: Kangna is inked out

Gets elaborate additions made to a former tatoo Kangna Ranaut got inked yet again on the back of her neck last Friday by tattoo artist Sameer Patange at his Kraayonz Tattoo Studio.

The actress reveals more about the new inking, "I call this the warrior angel. I got my earlier tat done about a month ago. It was small and basic consisting of just a cross and wings.

This one is bigger and more elaborate. Sameer is excellent at detailing and concealing. He has added angels, wings, a crown and a sword around my earlier tat in such a way that he didn't have to remove it.

I have also designed rose buds on top of the rose handle to make it look more feminine. "

She says she always wanted to have a tattoo based around the concept of a sword and angels with wings.

"I have always been a fighter no matter what my circumstances have been and I also feel that angels have protected me. Hence the angels, wings, crown and sword design which I conceived on my own.

Kangna Ranaut's tattoo a day before she had the new one done

Kangna's now elaborate tattoo

The new inking session lasted almost two-and-a-half hours and was very painful. But the pain was worth it as now my dream tattoo is ready.

I don't plan to have any more done now maybe when I get married and have children, I might have their names inked!"

Kangna says she was in two minds on enlarging her original tat. "When I had my first done I wasn't sure how it would look especially if I could carry it off during shootings and given the characters I was playing.

I kept it small as I wanted to check it out.

But then I realised I could always conceal it with make-up or wear outfits that covered my tattoo when I was shooting. I decided to go for a larger, more elaborate tattoo my dream one!"

Ranaut will be next seen on screen in No Problem, an Anees Bazmee film, along with Anil Kapoor, Sanjay Dutt, Sunil Shetty and Akshaye Khanna.

Her character in the film is a bimbette who is completely obsessed with her looks and the latest fashion trends.

FACT: Sameer Patange has earlier done Hrithik Roshan and his wife Sussanne's tattoos.  

3:12 AM | Posted in , , , , , , | Read More »

Sonakshi Sinha molested by media men

Bollywood actors and paparazzi often face-off during various events. Recently, Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor were boycotted by media persons for being too late for an event. The latest reports suggest that the Dabangg girl Sonakshi Sinha is now pissed off with the paparazzi.

What happened with Sonakshi? Did media boycott her too? Well, here the situation is different. Few days back, the 23-year-old actress attended an event to show her respect on the occasion of 26/11 anniversary. An NGO organized this event to fight against the terrorism. But ironically, they could not even safeguard a young actress from some rowdy men.

As per the reports, a group of men got so close to her that Sonaskhi started feeling very uncomfortable. They even touched on her shoulder and arms and it was almost like trying to molest the actress.

It was thought that those men were her fans but the actress clarified the point by posting her view on a micro blogging website.

Sonakshi said that she was not at all traumatized and neither is she crying but she is totally pissed off with those men, whom she identified as the media persons and their cameramen. This made her totally pissed off with the paparazzi.

If those rowdy men were really media people then the Sonakshi's anger was totally justified because if they don't have basic sense of respecting a lady then how can then report a news with responsibility!

3:00 AM | Posted in , , , , , , | Read More »

Rashmi Desai got an ad with Salman Khan

Uttaran actress gets a lucky break, to feature in an ad with Salman Khan

Salman Khan is known to give breaks to promising newcomers. He has given his stamp of approval to many actors, composers, singers etc.

After Rahul Bhatt from Bigg Boss, now it is Rashmi Desai (Tapasya of TV serial Uttaran) who is the latest beneficiary of the actor's penchant for promoting young talent.

Rashmi met Salman during the promotion of Dabangg when Salman was invited as a guest on the show, India's Got Talent.

The producer of the show, Siddharth Basu, had asked the actress to perform live to Munni badnaam hui. An ardent Salman fan, she confirmed immediately when she heard he would be there.

Jiggy does it

Rashmi danced her heart out and Salman appeared highly impressed with her act. Later, he joined her on stage to do a jig. A source close to Rashmi adds, "In the evening Rashmi met Salman backstage and told him that it was her dream to work with him sometime in the future.

The actor told her it would be his privilege and that he would keep her in mind whenever something suitable came up. He kept his word by recommending her name for a commercial starring him. "

A few weeks ago, Salman was offered a new endorsement deal for a soap ad. The ad required a fresh female face and he decided to give Rashmi an opportunity.

He told the agency about her and they were more than willing. "She is very well-known on television and they too felt she would look good alongside Salman. When the actress first got the call, she thought someone was joking with her. But once the creative team came and met her to finalise the deal, she knew it was for real. "

The shoot was eventually canned at ND Studios in Karjat. Rashmi says, "Working with Salman was a very good opportunity and like a dream come true for me. Ever since I was in school and college Salman has been my dream guy.

When we first shot for the ad, I was very nervous because he's such a big star but he made me very comfortable. I really appreciate it that he pushed me for his ad.

The day I was shooting I didn't know how he would be as there's a huge difference between TV and film stars but I found Salman to be very down to earth and sweet. He treated me like a princess and was very warm with my family.

I felt no difference with him as he made me feel comfortable in a few minutes. I respect him tremendously today. Now I understand why people are crazy for him. Thank you so much, God!"

Pehli bhi

When Prachi Desai had told a few friends that she was keen to work with Salman, he went out of his way to make her a part of a washing powder commercial he was to do.

2:56 AM | Posted in , , , , , , | Read More »

Aishwarya Rai is The Best Aunty!

Aishwarya Rai swears off work for two months to help her bro's wife with the newborn. Practicing already?

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has decided to stay at home for two months and help her bhabhi (brother Aditya's wife) Srima with her baby boy, who was born on November 26.

She will avoid most public appearances in the next couple of months, as she wants to spend as much time as possible at home. She will only attend those she had previously committed to.

Early warning

Says a source, "Post-Guzaarish, she missed the promotions so she could be with her sister-in-law.

Everyone is very excited about the baby, Ash more so. She had warned all her producers, organisers and media manager about the situation. " She will play the doting bua to the hilt in real life now.

After a while

Says a source close to Rai-Bachchan, "She deliberately finished all her film assignments by October. And she has not signed any film after Guzaarish.

She will finalise her next batch of films with Vishal Bhardwaj, Shyam Benegal and Madhur Bhandarkar after two months. "

Confirms Aishwarya, "I've just been travelling and shooting, of late. Now I'm taking time off to be with my sister-in-law and her baby. "

About her plans for 2011, she adds, "I don't think too far ahead. Every time I plan, I end up not implementing it. When I did Devdas in 2002, I had promised myself I'd work in a more phased manner.

I am yet to live up to that promise. If you remember, I married in the middle of my career. After that I took time off for my family. I had technically kept three months off. It turned out to be six months of no movies. "

2:51 AM | Posted in , , , , , , | Read More »

The new man in Priyanka's life

Bollywood star Priyanka Chopra is a very agile person, who believes in moving ahead in life no matter what happens and she has done the same thing after breaking up with beau Shahid Kapoor. It did not take much time for the lady to get a new man of her choice!

There is a buzz that the new man in Priyanka's life is none other than her Don 2 co-star Sahil Shroff.

This name may leave you surprised because hardly anyone has heard this name before. Sahil is a Mumbai based model and he is debuting in Bollywood with Farhan Akhtar's Don 2. He has a supporting role in the movie, in which Priyanka plays the main female protagonist.

Earlier, Sahil has modeled for various leading commercials and participated in a reality show called 'The Amazing Race Asia'.

As per the sources on the sets, Priyanka and Sahil are like a house on fire on the set and their on-screen chemistry indicates the comfort level they share off-screen. Sahil is still a struggling actor so Priyanka is reportedly giving her tips on how to improve his acting skills.

Well, when he has a top lady of the industry as a girlfriend, Sahil should not worry about his career, at least, till the time, he can keep her happy with his charms.

2:48 AM | Posted in , , , , , , | Read More »

Ranbir's Revenge: Deepika and Sonam thrown out

Shahid replaced by Atif Aslam, Deepika and Sonam out (after Koffee With Karan?), but Katrina stays (Kyunki Papa approves?). After the changing equations with his co-stars are making our heads spin

It's final. Ranbir Kapoor's world tour in July 2011 would have him sharing the stage with Katrina Kaif, Priyanka Chopra, Bipasha Basu and Malaika Arora-Khan. A fifth girl is yet to be finalised. But it won't be Deepika Padukone or Sonam Kapoor.

Says Rishi Kapoor, the 70 per cent producer of Ranbir's first world tour and the lad's dad, "Unfortunately Shahid Kapoor can't accompany us. We've got Atif Aslam instead. He's a huge draw among Asians abroad. The show will be youth-oriented."

More changes

The combinations and permutations for Ranbir's world tour have gone through more changes. While Shahid Kapoor has been replaced by Pakistani pop singer Atif Aslam, Deepika Padukone is no more a part of Ranbir's world tour because Katrina Kaif was not comfortable with the idea of being in Deepika's company for nearly a month at a stretch.

The ever-forthright Rishi admits it was impossible to have both Dippy and Kat on board. "Deepika wanted to come along. We didn't want any stress behind the stage.

See, as it is, Ranbir has never been on stage. We want it to go smoothly, no backstage jhik-jhik, please!" Sonam has backed out too. Adds Chintu, "She begged off saying she didn't have a song repertoire to stand on stage with Katrina and Priyanka."

New experience

Giving details of the world concert Ranbir's dad says, "We start off in the UK, US and Canada. Then after six months we'll go for another lap of the tour. I've done these world tours over and over again. But for Ranbir, the world tour would be a new experience.

Not even once, has he danced on stage even at award functions. This was planned so that he could be seen for the first time on stage during the world tour. The complaint of Indians abroad is that as much as they love Shah Rukh and Salman they've been seen performing on television extensively.

If you're seen performing on 300 channels 365 days a year why would Indians in the US want to pay $200 to see you on stage? That's where we hope to score with Ranbir's concert. By God's grace, he does have a bank of songs to perform to. We'll be all over the US, UK and Canada over the five weekends in July."

Munni and Sheila unite

Apparently, 'Sheila' Katrina and 'Munni' Malaika would actually perform a fusion of their mega-hits Sheila Ki Jawani and Munni Badnaam Hui. Rishi Kapoor too would be sharing the stage with his son.

Rishi ain't telling. "You'll just have to wait and watch. The Morani Brothers are in the UK and US to finalise everything. Hopefully, we'll be doing Ranbir's first world concert without any hitch."

Not even once has Ranbir danced on stage, even at award functions. This was planned so that he could be seen for the first time on stage during the world tour.

The complaint of Indians abroad is that as much as they love Shah Rukh and Salman, they've been seen performing on television extensively. If you're seen performing on 300 channels 365 days a year why would Indians in the US want to pay 200 dollars to see you on stage? That's where we hope to score with Ranbir's concert Rishi Kapoor

Deepika wanted to come along. We didn't want any stress behind the stage. See, as it is, Ranbir has never been on stage. We want it to go smoothly, no backstage jhik-jhik, please Rishi Kapoor.

2:42 AM | Posted in , , , , , , , , | Read More »

Lakshmi Menon-Indian model strips all for Pirelli Calendar 2011

Bangalore based Indian model Lakshmi Menon has created history in the international fashion world! The 28-year-old model has become the first Indian face for the renowned ‘The Pirelli Calendar 2011’ since last 38 years.

However, Menon had to give a nude pose for getting this honor. It does not seem to be quite unusual for a model because many other Indian models have stripped for various magazines and photo shoots.

Photographer Karl Lagerfeld has snapped the model when she flaunted her assets alongside models Erin Wasson and Bianca Balti. It has been shot at Lagerfeld’s Paris studio.

The 2011 calendar is prepared based on the Greek and Roman Mythology themes. It also portrays the event of golden child Baptiste Giabiconi.

With this, Lakshmi has entered the line of many other renowned international models like Jeneil Williams, Erin Wasson, Lara Stone, Freja Beha, Heidi Mount, Anja Rubik, Magdenlena Frackowiak, Iris Strubegger and many others.

Lakshmi started her career in modeling only to earn to some extra money when she was studying at the Bangalore University. She continued her modeling career in India till 2006 and then entered the international arena.

2:34 AM | Posted in , , , , , , | Read More »

Katrina Kaif at Zee Rishtey Awards

Zee Rishtey Awards News
 Katrina Kaif in her RED DRESS!!

3:04 AM | Posted in , , , , , | Read More »

Johnny Depp doesn't need 'that piece of paper'

Despite their 12 years and two children together, Johnny Depp says he has no intentions of marrying his French girlfriend Vanessa Paradis.
"I never found myself needing that piece of paper," 47-year-old Depp told TV's "Extra" of why he hasn't wed the mother of his kids, Lily-Rose, 11, and Jack, 8. "Marriage is really from soul to soul, heart to heart. You don't need somebody to say, 'OK, you're married.'"
That said, "The Tourist" star, who was wed to makeup artist Lori Anne Allison from 1983 to 1986, and was reportedly previously engaged to actresses Sherilyn Fenn, Jennifer Grey, Winona Ryder, as well as model Kate Moss, says he would walk down the aisle with Paradis, 37, if she asked him to put a ring on it.
"If Vanessa wanted to get hitched, why not," he says. "But the thing is, I'd be so scared of ruining her last name. She's got such a good last name."

2:31 AM | Posted in , , , , , | Read More »

Salman Khan-Sexiest man alive on the Cover of People Mag

O i so knew it was salman! People mag on twitter was asking their followers who we thought would appear on the cover!!
Last year it was Ranbir Kapoor!!
Loving the cover!!

11:20 PM | Posted in , , , , , , , | Read More »

Shahrukh Khan's 'gay kiss' hot on internet

Shahrukh Khan is always famous to do something special and funny especially his comedy acts been praised a lot by his fans which he used to do as hosts in many major award functions but suddenly something special and unusual happened it seems when a picture of him kissing a person started circulated whole over the internet. People were searching the truth of the gay kiss, whether really this thing happened intentionally or it was just a part of fun.

A snapshot of Shahrukh Khan allegedly kissing a man is doing the rounds on social networking sites. King Khan is seen in a liplock with another man.

Speculation is that the photo is from the Jonathan Ross show (a British chat show) where the star featured as a guest a while back. The man kissing SRK in the picture was the second guest on the show - John Barrowman.

SRK was at his wittiest best and performed many funny bits but this particular clip was not telecast. Is this actually SRK or someone's photoshop joke? only SRK has the answer!

9:22 PM | Posted in , , , , , , | Read More »

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