
Loneliness taking a toll on Katrina health

Katrina Kaif is all alone these days. She is feeling so lonely in spite of the presence on her boyfriend Salman Khan in the city, which is in turn taking a toll on her health.
Katrina revealed that she is beginning to miss her family more and more. Her mother Sussane Turquotte can’t live with her in Mumbai, as she is committed to a cause in Nilangarai, Tamil Nadu. Her younger sister Isabelle is in New York studying acting and the rest of her family are not in the mood to leave England. So, she is left all alone in Mumbai, working day in and day out to fulfill her dream.
She admitted that she doesn’t know what to do all alone at home and doesn’t bother about her food. She has even lost a few kilos of late due to eating disorder.
“I keep wondering if it is the heat that has caused this loss of appetite. Honestly, I don’t know. Something is bothering me and I can’t pin-point what it is. But I just feel that if my family was around, I would enjoy a normal home life. It’s nice to have people at the dinner table,’’ a magazine quoted her saying so.
Well Katrina, wealth is not everything in life. May be it is a call to settle down and start a family of her own. What say girl?

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