The true story of Rohan Rathore (EMPTINESS) [FINALLY REVEALED] -True story of Rohan Rathore-The mystery of Rohan Rathore:-Gajendra Verma Real owner of Emptiness song-tunae merae jaana-Mystery behind Rohan Rathore and the song 'Emptiness'-Rohan Rathore is a Fake
(A special thanks to my dearest "FACEBOOK.COM/IAMANURAG", The Detective behind it)
Rohan Rathore was an IIT-Guwahati Student who loved a girl named Supriya like anything else. But he was suffering from Cancer.You might have heard his song already in Facebook, which is one of highest shared/liked video of 2010. So coming to his story, he was studying in one of top graduate engineering college, he was handsome but the girl who he loved unconditionally never returned his love. So bad. But worse, he was suffering from Cancer. He wrote a song and dedicated to her. Made video of it and the worst happened, he died just after recording the song.
Really sad right ? The song is so awesome. Runs though our veins with feeling of Love. Emptiness, describes, the void left in his loving heart by his girl. Pretty sad story if you ask me. The guy now loved and remembered everyday by millions over Facebook and Twitter, is no more. Sad. I sob.
Hey wait ! Did you really believed what I wrote above, like other million people in Facebook ? [Okay, not to be rude, word stupid is missing]. Well, it’s a pretty bollywood story if you ask me or excerpt of Chetan Bhagat’s next filmie novel
At first I believed for the first time when I heard the song and read about him in Youtube and FB page. But, second thing I did was, which you never do, searching over Google for truth. For my utter surprise none of the Ex-Guwahati IITians mentioned him. I digged more and found out it’s fake.
Yes, it was the insensitive and cheap trick for marketing their song. But, they did it in right way.
1.What first comes to your mind when you hear the song and read about him ? LOVE, CANCER, IIT-G. We Indians, simply have inevitable attraction towards Love stories. Add some prestigious college name and make it sad story, Game Over.
2.They believed in their song and it is pretty good too, but too reach masses, they used nice [read : cheap] marketing trick.
3. Simple, just create a fake girl’s profile over Facebook [and Twitter] and share it, it is enough to reach thousands in one day. And don’t forget to add, “Oh, I liked this song like anything guys, what ya say ?”
When you ask Mr.Vivek aka MrVivekchocoboy, the original uploader of the video, tells you same lame story. He also requests you ‘Like’ the song and share it over the FB and Twitter. Now I see a new video on his profile, hope he doesn’t ask us to ‘share’ that one also over FB, coming up with just another pathetic but sad story. Goodluck Mr.Chocoboy.
IIT-G students clarified that, person with such name never existed nor his poor sad story. If it was really true, I’d have first seen it in Headlines Today or any national news paper. The song is too good enough to be appeared in national news channels and papers.
Now here are some proofs :
Following is a screenshot of Sumit Lal’s profile, which he explains about his research :
Aseem Ahmed Abbasee claims that he is the original lyricist and english lyrics where written by Moonami Roy.
Now here is the BIG QUESTION : Are Aseem Ahmed Abbasee and Gajender Verma are behind this Rohan Rathore story ? Why they don’t want sue Mr.Chocoboy who uploaded the song to Youtube ? Truth yet to come.
Sorry people, who are behind it, you suck and you failed to impress me. with lots of love, F U.
Important Update [08/02/2011] : Today evening I received a very harsh & disturbing comment from a girl who claimed she was from IIT-G and Rohan’s classmate. She used such hard words, I couldn’t believe myself that a girl could scold like this. Trust me, even Dolly wouldn’t have scolded me like this. But she was so stupid that, she thought(?), she could cheat me, I tracked her down in 3 secs [Thanks to Facebook], guess what, in her profile the college was mentioned something different and it was HE [not she !]. May be he was obsessed with the song very much, so left a rude message scolding me. But, but he gave me link and picture of Rohan Rathore !!!
It was a link from Reverbnation, a website, just similar as MySpace. Musicians/Artists can sign up and share their songs. There I found his photo and his two other songs !!!
Here in this song "Kashmir Voice" is acctully from Bloodrockz, The band, which is from Kashmir & the Second song is "Forever And For Always" which is by "Shaina Twain"
Here in this song "Kashmir Voice" is acctully from Bloodrockz, The band, which is from Kashmir & the Second song is "Forever And For Always" which is by "Shaina Twain"
Check out here soon –
Wait a minute, not so fast, have you recognized the guy in that pic ? Sorry, he is not Rohan Rathore. But how I am so sure, because I know the guy who is the pic ! His name is Kris Allen, he is an American Idol winner.
But here is what which bugs my mind, two more new songs ! Are these also works of the same ‘mystery man’ ? [Don't forget to listen them].
The name of member of that group is Djay, who is also admin and creator of Facebook page Emptiness (tune mere jaana)- Rohan Rathore. And it is a Band profile. Are these guys are people who gave music to Rohan’s song ? Has Rohan worked is their band ? If not why they using his name ? They have mentioned nothing in their FB page.
The Admin of that Page, has not revealed himself yet and nor made clear statements about his connections with Rohan Rathore. If they are not connected with him why they are using his name ? for fame ?
If you check out that, there’s has been discussion going on :
SO in short, The FINAL Answer is,
Original Song: Tune mere jaana "Lonely"
Singer & Music: Gajender Verma
Lyrics: Moonami Roy, Aseem Ahmed Abbasee
Chords: Sameer
NOW FORGET ALL THIS & LISTEN THIS (3 Versions of this song)-
Emptiness (Orignal song)
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Emptiness Part II - Colab Mix by
Emptiness Techno mix

hi, I Know you are right...