
Christopher Nolan’s Batman 3 in Summer 2012

Just yesterday we wrote about summer 2012 heat and all that blockbuster mania, and today we are here for a little chat about Warner Bros announcement that sounds like this: they will be releasing the third installment of the Batman franchise from Christopher Nolan on July 20th, 2012, and, of course, the film will be released in 3D. Anyone surprised? Yeah, we thought so…
So, The Dark Knight sequel, which is still untitled, is reportedly in the very early planning stages. The director of the films, Chris Nolan, said that the film will provide closure to the trilogy.
He didn’t want to have just mindless explosions and he also didn’t want to leave room open for expanding the story. The script is currently being written by Nolan’s brother, Jonathan Nolan, and it’s based upon an original story written by Jonathan Nolan and David Goyer. Goyer also co-wrote the two previous films.
Although the title, cast and plot are yet to be decided, we definitely have no doubt in this director, since Nolan is credited for reviving the Batman franchise after the negative reviews and disappointing box-office performance of Batman and Robin.

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