Ash is better than Abhi, says Big B
Abhishek Bachchan has no doubt come a long way from where he started a decade back. Though he has managed to please the audience and critics in many of films over the years, his father still believes he can do better.
Apparently when Amitabh Bachchan saw the promo of Raavan for the first time, he quite liked it.
“My father patted on my back and said well done,” says a cheerful Abhsihek. “And then he turned back and said Aishwarya was better than I was!” he laughs out.
He added saying,
“She is one of the best actors we have in the film industry and her work for herself. I don’t compete with her or anybody else. I just compete with myself,”.
Don’t worry Abhi!!! A day is not very far when you would be at par with your wife.