Considering they have long ruled over Bollywood, the world-famous Khans have more fans devoted to them than to most other stars around. Do you have anything in common with any of them? Try our quick test for an answer to the intriguing question: Which Khan are you?
1: While driving you...
A: Keep your hand on the wheel
B: Try not to spill your drink
C: Enjoy a game of chase with road dwellers
D: Flirt with lady drivers
E: Discuss Proust with a buddy in the seat beside you
2: At a red light you...
A: Roar through, because lights are for commoners
B: Stop like a good citizen
C: Get out and smash a light
D: Flirt with lady drivers
E: Do a line of coke
3: On seeing a traffic cop you...
A: Try to run him over
B: Wear your seat belt quickly
C: Wish him a good day
D: Give him an mp3 player
E: Ignore him, safe in the knowledge you are following the rules
4: On winning an award for Best Actor you...
A: Accept, gratefully
B: Refuse to turn up
C: Act surprised, even if you're hosting the event
D: Make a few wisecracks in your acceptance speech
E: Take it and wait, as the award for Best Director is coming up
5: After a bad break-up you...
A: Move on to your next relationship immediately
B: Wallow in self pity
C: Threaten the new love interest
D: Get a prettier, younger thing
E: Call and say: "Why? Let's work things out!"