
Lindsay Lohan: Maxim magazine September 2010 Pictures


Lindsay Lohan keeps coming back and it seems nothing can keep her down, even jail, as she is appearing on the Maxim September 2010 Edition. Lindsay is on the cover wearing a sexy black and white striped swimsuit.

She also gave an interview to Maxim, where she talked about her incarceration, her goal and her personal motto in life.

Here are Interview Highlights from Maxim:-

On her incarceration:“I am feeling strong. I’ve experienced a lot in my life, and my mom has given me a lot of faith. This too shall pass.”

On her goal:“To focus on myself and my work, and to move all press on me to focus on the work I do. Also, I’d like to do more work in India and travel to Malawi.”

On her personal motto in life:“Stay true to yourself always. At the end of the day, you have to look at yourself in the mirror and be content with the choices you’ve made, and will make, in your life. Go with your gut!”



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