
The August 2010 issue of British GQ is out now

This month's out-of-this-world cover star is Zoe Saldana, the actress behind Avatar's ten-foot-tall Na'vi Neytiri and Lieutenant Uhura, Spock's stunning love interest in the Star Trek reboot. GQ's Chris Ayres meets her in LA to talk about geeks, Quentin Tarantino and what she's working on next. Elsewhere in this issue, GQ Editor Dylan Jones goes beyond the myth-making to uncover the real Jim Morrison, Michael Wolff profiles the single most important man in media and U2's manager Paul McGuinness reveals how to save the music industry. We salute the beauty of Jane Birkin, explain how a 17-year-old vigilante became an American folk hero and ask who could be a potential successor to David Cameron. Read Mark Ronson on his new album, Ryan Reynolds on seduction, Celia Walden on the new Rolls-Royce and Johann Hari on why the UK has shunned faith - and is all the better for it.  Plus the smartest denim jackets, the slickest driving shoes, the best beach read and much, much more. Consider it an essential purchase, even if you've never been to Pandora. The August 2010 issue of British GQ is out now, priced £3.99.

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